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How to use goConfirm for Facebook Marketplace

Using goConfirm for Facebook Marketplace is a straightforward process designed to make your buying and selling experiences more secure. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Sign Up: Begin by signing up on goConfirm. You’ll need to provide your email and create a password to set up an account.
  2. Upload a Headshot: Add a recent selfie to build trust and help people recognize you and feel confident when you meet in person.
  3. Connect Your Facebook Account: To enhance the verification process, connect your Facebook account to goConfirm. This step helps build a more comprehensive profile and adds an extra layer of trust.
  4. Verify Your Identity: goConfirm takes security seriously. To ensure a safer environment, you’ll be asked to verify your identity using your government ID, a live selfie, and a headshot. This step is crucial for building trust within the goConfirm community.
  5. Create Your goConfirmID: Once your identity is verified, goConfirm generates your unique goConfirmID. This becomes your digital name tag, helping others on the platform know you’re a verified and legitimate user.
  6. Initiate a Transaction: Whether you’re buying or selling on Facebook Marketplace, you can initiate a goConfirm Transaction. Create a transaction for a specific buy or sell opportunity, and goConfirm will generate a unique link for that deal.
  7. Share the Link: Share the unique link with the buyer or seller on Facebook Marketplace. When they click on it, they’ll be prompted to join goConfirm and participate in the transaction.
  8. goConfirm ID Exchange: Once both parties join the goConfirm Transaction, you’ll be able to see each other’s goConfirmID. This adds an extra layer of assurance, allowing you to know exactly who you’re dealing with.
  9. Set Transaction Details: If you initiated the transaction, you can easily add the price, preferred payment details, and even schedule a meet-up. goConfirm will send out reminders, making the transaction process smoother.
  10. Enjoy a Secure Transaction: With goConfirm, you can now engage in the transaction on Facebook Marketplace with confidence, knowing that you’re interacting with verified individuals.